Wednesday 3 January 2018

Take 2

Hi All,
It's been a long time since I've done a post on here. I spent most of the summer and autumn honing my wood turning skills, but now that winter is upon us I need a change. The reason for the change is that my workshop is as cold as an igloo so I've had to come indoors for some warmth.

So, I've gone all arty again. I have bought a couple of books and some more art supplies and I'm giving it another go. I am also trying to do one sketch or drawing per day; at the moment I'm doing about five a week but that's five more than I was doing a month ago.

Anyway, I purchased some watercolour markers and was inspired by a rose that was on the front of one of the books I purchased.

The book is by a brilliant botanical artist called Billy Showell, and it is just amazaing. I have only flicked through it but it looks great. I am hoping to try out some of the exercises soon and will show you how I got on. I am also trying to write/draw in a journal every day so I may share some of that with you too.

Regarding the wood turning, here's  a couple of items that I did before the winter froze my appendages off.
You will notice a theme with these two items and I'm going to make it a set of three if ever the weather warms up again.

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