Saturday, 19 January 2019

Digital Art

Hi all,
I am pleased to report that I am still enjoying my venture into digital art; it has opened up new possibilities for me. It is great for doodling and even better for attempting something decent. It is still early days for me yet because I'm still feeling my way around the software.

Here is a loose painting of some birch trees in the snow. I wasn't trying to be proper realistic, I just wanted to see how one could create depth in a digital painting.
 It's only a small painting but it proved to me that a sense of depth was easy to achieve in a digital way by using a different layer for each depth of the painting. It is possible to reduce the opacity of the whole layer or just when using a brush so it is very easy. I also like the fact that any mistakes can be undone easily.

I recorded the painting of the birches and posted to my new Youtube channel called "The Armchair Artist." If you would like to see how the painting was created here is a link to the short video
Please have a look and let me know what you think.

The purpose of creating the channel is two fold. Firstly it will record my progress during my journey with this new media. Secondly, there may be other traditional artists out there who are, like me, disillusioned with normal art and fancy giving the digital a try. Giving most new art forms a go isn't difficult. If you fancy having a go at pastels for instance, like I did, you can just buy a small set and some paper and have a go relatively cheaply. (Then, if you have as much success as I did you can shove them to the back of the cupboard, never likley to be used again.) The point is, having a go digitally is an expensive business, so perhaps by seeing how I'm getting on others might or might not risk their money and have a go.

So far it is all going to plan and I'm more than pleased with what Ive managed to do. In my next post I will try to explain why I am going digital and what I didn't like about traditional art.

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