Tuesday 10 November 2015


Hi all,
 It seems to me that painting and drawing go hand in hand, unfortunately, my drawing skills leave a bit to be desired. I keep telling myself that the best way forward is to draw something every day and that is exactly what a lot of drawing instructors advise. I am sure that are right, but having the discipline to sit down and draw everyday is another matter. Finding something to draw is also a problem, I'm sure I could arrange a still life of a couple of cups and a jug on a gingham table cloth, but I haven't got any inspiration for that.

Anyway, I decided to draw something out of my head and just let it happen on the page. Here is the first one. It was inspired by a book my wife picked up from a garden centre. I started off with a pencil and then went over the lines with a Staedler 0.05 pigment liner pen, but it was taking too long so I did away with the pencil. That's the best thing about not copying. If you make a wrong mark, nobody else but you knows about it. If you draw a wren and it looks like a duck, who is to know you weren't drawing a duck in the first place.
I started by drawing the big daisies first then just filled the rest in a bit at a time over the course of about a week. The end result was quite pleasing so I went on and did another.
This one I felt was even better. I especially like the leaf like pattern around the tree and the Hooty owl peering out from his hole.

I will now endeavour to draw as much original content as I can and only resort to copying and tracing when I'm extra desperate. If you like the drawing above please feel free to print them off and colour them in if you wish. There seems to be surge in popularity at the moment to colouring in, especially among adults. This is a good thing because it may lead many on to bigger and better art.

Painting number 6 in my challenge will be posted soon. Meanwhile, enjoy your painting. One last thing, one of my books in The Fishing Detectives series is up for a free download on Smashwords this week. If you would like a copy just pop along to my website for details and the link.

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