Friday 15 January 2016

Its Now Or Never

Hi all,
I mentioned some time ago that I had joined the SAA, no not the SAS that's a different kettle of fish altogether. The SAA is the Society for All Artists, and I'm very pleased with my membership. I get web space to display my paintings, free postage and a catalogue full of lovely arty things at fantastic prices. I also get a free by-monthly magazine which is full of inspiration. They have a couple of challenges each month so last month I decided to entered two.

The first was a photo that had to be turned into a painting. The image was of a boat sitting at a jetty on a lake so I thought I'd have a go.
I didn't want to spend too much time on, it but it came out as well as I could have hoped. Painting water and boats aren't subjects that I have painted before so I was happy with my efforts. The people at the magazine print a selection of the paintings in the next issue of the magazine, but sadly mine wasn't included.

However all was not lost. Another challenge in the magazine was for the reader to do a painting just based on a theme. The last theme was "It's Now or Never" which I gave a bit of thought to and came up with the following painting.
I think it fitted the theme wonderfully even if the execution could have been better. The combine harvester looks menacing in red, while the faceless driver and the black smoke coming from the chimney give the rabbit a reason to run.

On the critical side, the corn is too long and perhaps I should have shown a hint of the rabbit's body sticking through the corn. Having said that, the people at the magazine must have thought it decent enough because they printed it in January's edition. I was very pleased because the inspiration obviously worked and it gave me a chance to paint something completely from my imagination.

By the way, one of my books "Bossyboots" is free on amazon today, click on the books tab at the top of the page and grab a copy if you like a good laugh. It's a book for the boys, but open minded ladies will also be able to see the funny side.

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