Friday 11 December 2015

Painting Number 10

Hi all,
At last I have done a painting that feels as if I am getting somewhere. It might not be fantastic or even great, but I feel that it is a step in the right direction.

For the time being I have given up on the chuck it and chance it type of painting that I've been attempting and gone for something more formal. The best part is that I actually enjoyed doing this painting.

For some reason the theme "Escape" came into my head and I wondered how I could depict it in a painting. Here is the drawing that I came up with.
It portrays a red admiral butterfly that has just escaped from a spider's web that is strung between some roses leaves. Here is the painting done with a mixture of SAA, and Winsor and Newton watercolour paints on 140lb paper.
If you look back through my other paintings you will see why I am pleased, it is much better than the rest. In fact, my wife liked it so much she allowed me to frame it and hang it in our living room. If that isn't a seal of approval I don't know what is.

So what's the score for this one? Well, I'm going to give it 24 out of 100. I don't want to go too high because it could be father to fall when I do my next one.

Good bits
I like the composition and the colours.
Bad bits
I could have made the spiders web darker to make it a bit clearer.

Anyway, I'm happy and that's the main thing. I'm looking forward to doing my next painting and I will show it to you soon. Don't forget to check out the SAA website if you get a minute, as well as the shop there are thousands of painting to look at in the gallery.

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